In the realm of programming, the ability to handle concurrent tasks is vital to creating applications that are both performant and user-friendly. The introduction of Swift’s Structured Concurrency has revolutionised the way developers handle async operations. This post will delve into the intricacies of tasks and child tasks in Swift’s Structured Concurrency and provide a comprehensive understanding of their uses.

The Power of Tasks

In Swift’s Structured Concurrency model, tasks are the building blocks of asynchronous operations. Marked by the async keyword, these tasks denote computations that are performed asynchronously.

func fetchUserProfile() async -> UserProfile {
    // Code to fetch user profile

When fetchUserProfile() is invoked, Swift triggers this operation asynchronously. The application isn’t blocked and continues processing other activities, increasing overall performance and responsiveness.

The Concept of Child Tasks

In the framework of Swift, child tasks are derived from parent tasks. These child tasks can be launched using the async let construct. Interestingly, Swift auto-manages these tasks by waiting for their completion at the end of their declaration scope.

func fetchUserProfileAndPosts() async {
    async let userProfile = fetchUserProfile()
    async let userPosts = fetchUserPosts()
    // Waiting for child tasks to complete
    let profile = try await userProfile
    let posts = try await userPosts
    // Use profile and posts data

In this snippet, fetchUserProfileAndPosts() creates two child tasks, fetchUserProfile() and fetchUserPosts(), and waits for both to complete. This feature simplifies concurrent task handling, making your code cleaner and easier to maintain.

When Child Tasks Are Optional

Swift’s Structured Concurrency allows you to ignore the results of a child task if it isn’t necessary for immediate use or even at all.

func fetchAndIgnoreUserPost() async {
    async let userPost = fetchUserPost()
    // Perform other tasks
    // The result of userPost is ignored

Here, the fetchUserPost() child task is initiated, but its result isn’t required, thereby allowing the parent task to proceed without waiting for it.

Cancellation of Child Tasks

Swift’s concurrency model offers the capacity to cancel a parent task, which effectively cancels all of its child tasks. This is an effective method for conserving resources when results from child tasks are no longer required.

func fetchUserProfileWithCancellation() async {
    async let userProfile = fetchUserProfile()
    async let userPosts = fetchUserPosts()
    // Assume we have a scenario where tasks need to be cancelled
    if tasksMustBeCancelled {
        // Cancel parent task which automatically cancels child tasks
    // Verify if the task was cancelled before using the results
    if !Task.isCancelled {
        let profile = try await userProfile
        let posts = try await userPosts
        // Utilize profile and posts

In this example, the tasksMustBeCancelled condition triggers the cancellation of the parent task and all of its child tasks, conserving computational resources.

The Flexibility of Task Initializers

To provide more granular control over tasks, Swift offers Task initializers.

func fetchUserProfileWithTaskInit() async {
    // Tasks created using Task initializers
    let userProfileTask = Task {

 await fetchUserProfile() }
    let userPostsTask = Task { await fetchUserPosts() }
    // Assume we have a scenario where tasks need to be cancelled
    if tasksMustBeCancelled {
        // Cancel tasks

    // Verify if the task was cancelled before using the results
    if !userProfileTask.isCancelled, let profile = try? await userProfileTask.value {
        // Use profile
    if !userPostsTask.isCancelled, let posts = try? await userPostsTask.value {
        // Use posts

This approach lets you control individual tasks more precisely, cancel tasks directly, or check their cancellation state independently.

In Conclusion

Swift’s Structured Concurrency, with its tasks and child tasks, has empowered developers to build more efficient and responsive applications. Happy coding!